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Sunday, March 01, 2009

March 1, still

I was going to go to Willow Creek with Louie, but didn't wake up in time. I guess I was tired. I'll read a little of What Paul Meant, instead. Someone named Dave Ramsey was epeaking there today, a nationally syndicated financial writer who shares Bill Hybel's respect for living debt free, and so counselled the flock. He also suggested the market was at it's bottom, and said he was increasing the allocation into equities in his personal monthly budget. Though the market was down on Friday (including the Canadian National Railway, but not my nemesis, Darden), I'll wait for Monday to see if this rally is really going to happen.

Just now, I'm awaiting a visit from Steffie, Mark, and the boys. She's going to augment my housekeeping efforts by taking the vaccuum out for a spin around the place. I hope she'll resist the temptation to take the dishes I've washed from the cupboard and rewash them.


Steph Stanger said...

By the way, I didn't hear that Dave Ramsey said the market had hit bottom but I did hear him say that it was "on sale" and if you have 10 years before you need your 401K now is the time to buy! That is great advice for the people who have extra money right now to put in their 401K. I haven't met any of those people yet but I'm sure they are out there. =)
Mark and I liked the message but we have been seeing a financial advisor for the past 6 months so it felt a bit redundant. Our financial advisor has a masters in counseling psychology. That's how much help we need!

Andy said...

Hi Steffo. Oh, the old "if you got 10 (or 20) years" thing.
I'm glad you have a holistic financial counselor. to help you cope with the stress of it all.