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Saturday, August 02, 2008

The Bees

I've been observing some bees. At the plant where I've been working I noticed about six locations where bees were beginning the construction of little hives, usually on the underside of an overhanging roof, often on light bulbs recessed in the overhangs. I thought about the news articles I'd seen about bees disappearing, and imagined that these bees were unable to find their way home, and due to an ingrained compulsion were building where they were.
The Orkin man came and sprayed and knocked down the little hives. At one spot the bees, much fewer in number than before, buzzed around where they had been building and then began to build again nearby.
I felt bad for the bees, working so hard, knowing the Orkin man would be back.
I admired their artisanship. Then I thought, maybe their instinct to build wasn't linked in their bee consciousness to starting a hive and creating a home for hundreds of bees to come, maybe they just felt they had to be building, and were fulfilled by the activity regardless of the lack of a successful outcome.
Of course, I wondered if the same pattern of behavior was observed in people. Like Iraq now, or Germany during World War II, or in Africa during the slaughters. Millions of people trying to get to work each day to do their jobs, partly to earn an income, but maybe, in part to maintain the order they were familiar with in a world gone goofy.
I don't know, but two other conjectures: First, is it cell phone signals from all the towers and handsets, interfering with the bees' navigationl mechanism? Will anyone acknowlege that, if it is true. Which do we need more bees or cell phones? Who has the bigger lobby in DC?
The other, are politicians aware of this compulsion in people to try to go to work every day, maintain order and pretend that the world hasn't gone mad? Do they rely on that instinctve positivism among the populations when they're plotting their rape, pillage and plunder? Scary.


Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Are bees really disappearing?! I didn't know that! Disappearing bees was a plot line on Doctor Who this season, but in the show it was because they were returning to their home planet to escape the impending apocalypse on earth. So there is another theory to add to the list ;P

janettsue said...

Maybe we could find out where their home planet is and join them.