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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I'm not too proud to admit

that I can't figure out what's going on in the capital markets. It helps a little bit that the experts are also clueless. This article gives us a sense of the prevailing uncertainty.

Here's a telling quote.
"Trying to figure out what the financial end game is, beyond simple Armageddon, is probably impossible. Right now many conflicting issues don’t make fundamental long-term sense. This is a very complicated maze. However, being lost inside while searching for enlightenment seems a worthy task."

Here's a scary but plausible quote from further down in the article.
"The financial industry is fundamentally doomed. Anticipate a large scale event that uses shock doctrine to control and manipulate people’s minds. Since WW II the ability to master groups and make them susceptible to brainwashing has been perfected. A massive bank collapse could be the catalytic event used to marginalize and control societies in a new direction."

Show of Hands: Who thinks they're practicing their "massive event" technique now, using Michael Jackson's death to perfect their skills?

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