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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gates and Crowley

My brother Mike and I have been exchanging Facebook comments about Officer Crowley and Professor Gates. I just posted there this link to a Time Magazine article on the arrest. Mike is upset with President Obama, I'm upset with the police officer. I'll quote the central part from the Time article: "In classically phony police talk, Crowley refers to "[Gates'] continued tumultuous behavior." When cops write that way, you know they have nothing. What is tumultuous behavior? Here's what it isn't: he brandished a knife in a threatening manner, he punched and kicked, he clenched his fist in a threatening manner, he threw a wrench or, in the Gates house, maybe a book. If the subject does any of those things, cops always write it out with precision. When they've got nothing, they use phrases that mean nothing. Phrases like tumultuous behavior.
Unless you confess to a crime,or threaten to commit a crime, there is nothing you can say to a cop that makes it legal for him to arrest you. You can tell him he is stupid, you can tell him he is ugly, you can call him racist, you can say anything you might feel like saying about his mother. He has taken an oath to listen to all of that and ignore it. That is the real teachable moment here — cops are paid to be professionals, but even the best of them are human and can make stupid mistakes.
We have an uncomfortable choice with Sergeant Crowley. Either he doesn't know what disorderly conduct is or Crowley simply decided to show Gates who's boss the only way he knew how at the time — by whipping out his handcuffs and abusing his power to arrest. Police make the latter choice in this country every day, knowing that the charges are going to have to be dropped."

I don't like police manhandling citizens and cuffing them for a ride to the station because they don't like people telling them they're being a**-**les. I think it's your inalienable right to tell them so if you believe it (but until we get this thing straightened out I don't suggest you try it.)

PS I may change my photo again. Janett doesn't like the new one 'cause my hair's smushed down.


Steph Stanger said...

well said Dad! And BTW I noticed you changed your photo and now your hair is poffy and white, very handsome indeed! Love you!

Andy said...

Thanks, Steffie.

The wedding picture and the beach picture are really nicer looking than I am, but heck, let's roll with it.