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Saturday, December 01, 2007

A blanket pardon

My distaste for the kind of people who get elected to high office, and their self serving machinations to the extreme detriment of the people who trusted them with their votes leads me to write things like..."I would say it's the innocent who will pay the price, but they weren't innocent of being stupid, and people who elect Clintons and Bushes aren't stupid by accident, they work at it" Well, my daughters voted for Bush because they believed his expressions of Christian compassion for the unborn and that he would work to stop the slaughter of the innocents. They are both intelligent and thoughtful and they're both under thirty years of age. They haven't developed the cynicism which I have. Would I wish that they had? Not really.

They believe the struggle between good and evil is a struggle for men's souls, not for supremacy in the world. God is supreme and His will will be done. The suffering that people endure at the hand of lying, thieving, murderous politicians is something that is a consistent theme in human history. That sort will always endeavor to scratch and claw their way to the top of the dung heap. I can't even dispute my daughters faith that God will forgive them their sins as readily as He will forgive mine. I can't help but hope their lifetime of duplicitous insincerity makes it impossible for them to ask forgiveness. Of course, the girls would tell me that hoping something like that is also a failing.

So, anyway, I hereby exclude (some) people under thirty from my criticism of the voting public.

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