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Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm not happy

I mean personally I'm pretty happy, but things are getting on my nerves, like the senatorial election in Massachusets and, like Obama's faltering leadership. I am such a skeptic when it comes to politics, why should I care if the Democrats do the impossible and surrender the Kennedy senate seat two months after his passing? Or if Obama fritters away his administration's initiative amd momentum negotiating with Snowe and Lieberman on health care. Maybe because I am still apprehensive about the coming of the REAL economic shit storm, and am impatient and annoyed with Fox News, the Tea-baggers, and Pat Robertson for their self obsessed rants. Don't they know, don't they care? And I guess my disenchantment with Obama has little to do with Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo or health care, and everything to do with Geithner, Bernanke and Goldman Sachs,

I haven't been actively trading for a few months, but lost money on almost all my bearish trades in the past year, and finally realized that the Treasury's Plunge Protection Team had given participating memberships to the Fed and the major investment banks, and that securities will not trade downward untill something so cataclysmic happens that the Fed will be unable to paper it over. We'll later learn that Goldman got massively short just before the real crash, and they will pat themselves on the back and award big bomuses all around because at the "critical moment" they recognized the onset of a Black Swan (rare and unpredictable) event and ferociously shorted the markets.

Thank you for allowing me to express myself. I feel a little better now. But not because anything has gotten better in the real world, only because I'm not stumbling around muttering misgivings under my breath, but actually saying what I think right out loud.

What will the event be? Could be the popping of the China bubble, causing commodity prices to plummet and dashing hopes that China would spend the world out of recession. Could be Iceland, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Ireland sequentially defaulting on debt, wrecking the Euro and plunging Europe to the depths. Could be that someone will force an audit on the Fed revealing that the US central bank has been bankrupted by purchasing all the crappy bank loans they had to buy to fund the banks' stock market spree.

In any event, who holds a senate seat from Massachusets isn't going to make a lot of difference, and who pays your doctor bill or whether it gets paid at all won't matter much.

i know I'm a downer, but just want you all to know that when the bad things happen, it's not your fault.


Kimberly Cangelosi said...

"All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well." -Julian of Norwich

Is that asinine? If God really said it, which is what Julian claimed, and He loves the poor more than anyone, then it does make me stop and think.

ps A tea-bagger is something completely different from a tea-partier ;)

pps It's nice to hear you say it won't be my fault because I did play with a ouija board once when I was ten and I'm glad Pat Robertson doesn't know about that ;)

Andy said...

If you're good with God, all is well. If you're happy with your family, you have a good life. I only worry about my children because they have to worry about their children.