A nice way to stay in touch with loved ones, and a convenient way to share my opinions without having everyone just walk away...wait a minute, where are you going? I wasn't finished..

Saturday, October 13, 2007

ND Loses again

'nuff said

I started a new temp assignment this week. It's a big company building a new plant. I'm supposed to do the capital project/fixed asset accounting. It'll be interesting.

Little Steffo suffered a set back in her effort to have another little baby last week. Sorry Steffo. I hope your faith makes it a little easier to accept the disappointment. We're all looking foreward to Malachy's birthday bash.

Because my new job is far away and outside my normal commuting range, I'm experimenting a little with routes. I tried going from 294 to 355 on 88 on the way home Friday. Boy, was that a mistake. I couldn't believe all those people put up with that traffic. People, haven't you ever heard of alternates: like Ogden, or Butterfield, or Roosevelt, or Cermak. What are you, goofy? You can tell I'm still upset. I mean I knew I must be sitting there with thousands of willfully stupid people who are going to vote for Hillary or Rudy. It was creepy.


janettsue said...

How can you tell who they are going to vote for?

Andy said...

'cause they were stupid enough to be sitting in their cars on an expressway where nobody moves. It was almost allegorical.

Steph Stanger said...

Dad your are funny...sorry to tell you this but sometimes Mom makes more sense then you. =) But you're cute. How is work going? Hope it isn't sucking the life right out of you!! Hey Malahcy's big b-day bash is this week that will help give you a boost. =) And did you get your Matewan poster? Sorry it's so small but maybe you will have a better chance getting it up in the house because it is small. =) Love you!

Apparently Me said...

Rudy and Hillary would be the goldent ticket.

Apparently Me said...

Oh, and sitting in traffic pisses me off too. Stuck with all those people willing to just waste their lives waiting for things to get better rather than looking for ways to solve the issue themselves. Fucktards...and rubber neckers....hate them.