Check out this
blog. When you get there read a couple of posts to catch his drift.
I heard this fellow (Bruce Gagnon) on NPR today. With everything I have to worry about, and all the things I've given you to worry about, now we revisit the military industrial complex and its aspirations for space.
It's too heavy a topic to deal with briefly. I'll just mention a few points.
Shooting down that satellite last month was a test of our anti-satellite technology, which congress had banned the pentagon from testing.
Every year the proposal is brought to the United Nations to ban weapons in space, and every year the measure is vetoed by the US.
If the US can achieve dominant weapons in space the rest of the world is ultimately defenseless.
Space weaponry is so expensive the US will have to cut social security and Medicare to afford it, which is what it's advocates recommend we do.
He poses the question, what is America's role in the world? Guarantor of peace and freedom? Please. We are no longer a leading manufacturer or even innovator. Banker to the world? That myth is being dispelled before our eyes. The only identity we have left is military power.
Once the means are at hand it is always easy to create a justification for attacking someone, and as we face unending war the people will be called on to continually surrender more of their material well being, their liberties and constitutional protections.
Big defense contractors are among the biggest campaign contributors. It's a win-win for the politicians. They can take the big money, and vote for obscene appropriations pretending to be concerned for America's "secutity".
50 years ago Eisenhower warned against the military industrial complex. Well, it's here and its ugly.